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I'm a recluse myself. Modern society has little to offer to most men that aren't top tier earners, looks etc.

You'll live in some shit tier city because you aren't making enough to move somewhere nice (or can't get a work visa), people around you are aggressive low IQ proles in Europe - always looking to pick fights (see https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1713078/moments-after-photo-of... ), if you aren't an aggressive muscular guy you'll just get some fugly harpy who will "settle" for you. There's just nothing in it for me.

I have been to Japan and the society is fairly autistic. People are polite but want to stay in their own little bubble. You could collapse on the street in Tokyo and nobody would give a shit if you don't block the entrance of a business. In the outskirts of Tokyo people live in bleak housing blocks that already look depressing from far away that make modern condos look like masterpieces.

Think this ten times the size: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Cwmbran_...

The society is super hierarchical, with old people being on top and young people earning almost nothing, jobs being hard to come by, guys not getting girlfriends / wifes cause strong independent women don't need no man and socializing with random people outside the internet is highly uncommon as well.

If I was in Japan I would be a recluse as well.

EDIT: Bring on the downvotes. I miss the usenet days where people actually had similar opinions to me and it was still a 99% male space where women were universally hated - long before fuckbook, twatter and young engineered brainwashed by colleges into becoming social justice warriors.

> if you aren't an aggressive muscular guy you'll just get some fugly harpy who will "settle" for you

The irony in this statement is staggering.

It is, yet it is still not wrong. "They should love me for me" works both ways!

> I have been to Japan and the society is fairly autistic. People are polite but want to stay in their own little bubble. You could collapse on the street in Tokyo and nobody would give a shit if you don't block the entrance of a business.

This might be more of a reflection of living in a large city, rather than being Japanese. In a rural area, you wave to everyone you meet. In a large city - Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, New York, etc. - your arm would fall off by mid-afternoon.

> a 99% male space where women were universally hated

Funny, I don't remember Usenet as a MRA haven, but perhaps we just visited different newsgroups.


I'm sorry, but racial conspiracy theories are just not what this site is for, so we've banned this account.


If you want to have an interesting and fun life don't waste your time being bitter. Your bitterness will achieve nothing, because no one is interested in it.

Let me be clear, they are not actively out there hating you because of the views you hold - they just hold no opinion at all about you, one way or the other.

I am not one of those people.

I am glad you are a recluse. You've made the right choice.

Good luck and goodbye

I'm going to have another go at this, because I just realised I did something I hate. I really wanted to make my comment something that could change your mind, rather than just express my displeasure at your opinions - so here goes...

Your statements about how you see the world are very black and white, but the world you are talking about is very very complex, and there are infinite shades of grey. If you went outside and interacted with other people without prejudging the outcome I think that you would have plenty of experiences which do not conform to your expectations of how the world is. I say 'expectations' because I don't think you've attempted to disprove your own assumptions - and I think your assumptions are based not on your own experiences, but on anecdotes from echo chambers (usernet, etc.) (now i'm assuming too much - but you can tell me if i'm wrong).

Maybe you have had some bad personal experiences that lead you to your views on harpy women, proles and aggressively muscular men. I would like to hear what they are.

Wizardchan is this way -> http://wizchan.org/

>I miss the usenet days where people actually had similar opinions to me and it was still a 99% male space where women were universally hated - long before fuckbook, twatter and young engineered brainwashed by colleges into becoming social justice warriors.

Is this a serious statement? I can't imagine someone would be so fragile and yet bold (blind?) enough to post that they miss their safe space while at the same time lambasting that perennial "SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS" boogeyman.

My wife and I visited Tokyo on vacation, and while I agree it seems like people don't care, there were a couple times we were arguing over maps that complete strangers came up and attempted to help with the little English they were able to speak.

We didn't actually need help, and we weren't mad at each other, we just discuss things loudly when we disagree about the best course of action. However, we were touched by their willingness to help out others, even though there was a language barrier. (They didn't know I speak some Japanese.)

So I have to disagree that you won't get any help if you have a problem.

Granted, we didn't visit the "outskirts", and it may very well be different out there, but we were in some non-touristy areas when this stuff happened.

> I'm a recluse myself. Modern society has little to offer to most men that aren't top tier earners, looks etc.

I fully respect that you have figured this out (because you're absolutely not wrong), but have you ever considered trying to become a top-tier male? Like, throw in a serious year or two of hard work, weightlifting, social skills improvement, cooking, grooming, study, wardrobe, etc etc, to see how the other side lives?

It's not "easy", but now I'm just wondering... since you've figured out that modern society has nothing to offer such men, which most men will NEVER truly understand, why not become the opposite?

They obviously are not and can not be or become "top-tier males". That's the objective reality. They don't want to be part of the system as it has nothing in it for them.

In other words, their existence as part of the system is perceived as miserable as - if not more so - than being outside of it. So why bother trying?

There's very little to no return on investment for their efforts in improving themselves (or being part of the system).

If due to pressing economic circumstances they were forced to work, they would not be any less miserable, perhaps more so.

He might be very short or disfigured.

Ugh, I hate the height excuse. That might be offensive since I'm 6'0, but I know plenty of crazy 'successful' short guys. Is it a disadvantage? Of course. But nothing that can't be worked around.

Glad people like Ronnie James Dio didn't wimp out at their dreams because they weren't tall. But how many Ronnie James Dio's have we not had a chance to enjoy because they thought less of themselves? I hate it.

>I fully respect that you have figured this out (because you're absolutely not wrong), but have you ever considered trying to become a top-tier male?

I don't get anything out of having sex with women I don't like and I generally don't find women to be likeable. Just like most guys I have been looking for love in my 20s just to find out that no such thing exists beyond a mother's love for her children. I look above average and dress above average these days and get a fair amount of unwanted female attention as they apparently love my facial expression of seething contempt for most people.

Thanks for sharing your point of view. Also, sorry that some people are picking on small parts of your comment rather than listening to your overall point, which I think is valid.

I do have one thing to say about housing in Japan. It does look extremely bleak, but I think the looks are deceptive, and much of it is actually of quite a high quality. The way it was explained to me by a Japanese person is that everything is designed with earthquakes in mind. Anything extraneous might fall off in an earthquake. Any decorative features, fancy light fixtures, or signage are excluded.

The result is that even the most important buildings end up looking like bland, featureless blocks: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunshine_60

>You could collapse on the street in Tokyo and nobody would give a shit if you don't block the entrance of a business.

This literally happened when I was visiting Japan and your belief is invalid. My girlfriend fell down the stairs in the Tokyo train station during the rush hour commute and many strangers were concerned for her well being (to the point we had to decline several times being taken to a hospital).

He was talking from a male's point of view though. Had it been you, and not a damsel in distress, do you think the same reaction would have occurred?

I can't speak to that since it didn't happen to me, but several of those who offered assistance were also women so I'm not sure it was a "shining knight rescues damsel in distress" response.

yes. have you been to tokyo?

i was offered help multiple times when standing alone by myself when waiting for something, or someone. i'm an asian male, pretty much indistinguishable from any random japanese guy.

i've been a lot of places and i have a hard time believing that you could fall down in the middle street anywhere on earth and nobody will help you, including new york, shanghai, other megacities.

excepting maybe some extreme examples like communistic societies at the height of the cold war, but that's it.

Because that was an obvious accident.

If a random guy collapses on the street nobody would care.

Just a heads up... Hacker News is not a free speech zone. The slightest negative emotion in a comment will have it either disappear or you banned. Even just writing a vulgar word is risky here. It is absolutely nothing like Usenet. This is the private forum of a Silicon Valley business. It leans more toward the new generation of mobile startup culture than what you're from.

I sympathize with you being rejected after commenting about how you feel rejected. It isn't very fair. The virtual space used to be a refuge for recluses who were ran out of regular society. Physical appearance or health did not factor in because nobody could see you.

But the Internet isn't that place anymore. Now it is dominated by the same competitions. To get favorable treatment here you need to be beautiful or wealthy. If your account was "pg" you could write this and anything else and it would be voted to the top.

Sorry. You have an ugly personality, and it requires special compassion for anyone to not reject that. Not everyone knows what it feels like to be rejected and how it can push you further into ugliness. I don't have any solutions for that, just wanted to let you know someone out there recognizes the pain.

> But the Internet isn't that place anymore. Now it is dominated by the same competitions. To get favorable treatment here you need to be beautiful or wealthy.

I disagree; The internet is not one big homogenous blob.

> You have an ugly personality, and it requires special compassion for anyone to not reject that

I do agree with your assessment, but it seems that unimportant is actively working towards being rejected. Instead of trying to improve himself, he's happily playing the role of the reject, blaming society and "harpies" or whatever on all his woes.

I'm sure there are people whose instinct is to find the goodness inside folks like him, and god bless 'em - but it ain't me. When someone flings shit at my feet, I don't dig through it to see if they swallowed a diamond.

> To get favorable treatment here you need to be beautiful or wealthy.

Or just well spoken and reasonable? Sure well known celebs of the tech industry do perhaps get the "favorable treatment" of extra upvotes. But people aren't participating in these discussions just to get "favorable treatment", they're doing it for the intellectually engaging environment, the quality of which is a result of trading off some amount of unmitigated free speech

And it's not like dissenting opinions get flagged or even downvoted to oblivion - the grandparent isn't gray, for example. Only noise, hate speech and misinformation gets that treatment. In fact I'd argue that grandparent maybe should be, since he's citing a universal hatred of women as a positive value in a community - so I think it's still a lot closer to Usenet than you claim.

It's not that simple--if you express negative emotion such as sadness and melancholy, it's easy to find support here. However if you use that negative emotion as a springboard for resentment, grudges, and generalized hate, as OP has, you won't find a good reception.

I feel you're bitter about the anti-male sentiment that is rampant in our society and sadly, now also the internet. Rest assured, there are plenty of people who can value you as a person and a man. People with common sense who don't care about SJW stuff but instead just want to have fruitful interactions with other people. Don't let the negativity of people on the internet affect you.

> People with common sense who don't care about SJW stuff but instead just want to have fruitful interactions with other people.

Funny, when he himself isn't interested in fruitful interactions with other people - at least, not those people who happen to be women, or men who don't hate women.

Pretty sure that's only a defense mechanism and bitterness from past experiences speaking. Let's be frank: He would love to have fruitful interactions and if literally nobody makes a first step to get him out of there, he will be denied this opportunity forever.

Is it justice you don't like, or people who fight for justice?

It's usually futile trying to point out the hypocrisy of using "SJW" as a pejorative - people who use it thus tend to be several steps beyond the point of apprehending or caring about the linguistic dissonance.

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