Definitely better... No question. I actually prefer it to the desktop because of the double tap to center and zoom your screen on a paragraph of text or a picture. Using the iPad for a while and then going back to the iPhone makes me feel like the phone is a toy. This device is actually letting me read some PDFs that I have been putting off for a while because reading PDFs on the computer screen is just so damn inconvenient. Reading it on the iPad is very sharp and overall a good user experience.
I do wish this thing had competing web browsers like chrome and opera but safari is ok for now.
There’s just something about surfing the Web
using Safari on the iPad. It feels different,
somehow. Apple’s marketing pitch says “it’s
like holding the Internet in your hands,” and
while that’s a little bit cheesy, it’s not
far off. There’s just something different about
holding that Web page in your hands, rather
than seeing it on a desktop or laptop PC, or on
a tiny iPhone screen. Tapping on links doesn’t
feel the same as clicking on them with a mouse.
It’s a good feeling.
I do wish this thing had competing web browsers like chrome and opera but safari is ok for now.