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Comey: FBI wants ‘adult conversation’ on device encryption (wtop.com)
7 points by mgamache on Aug 30, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

So its now "childish" to reject mass surveillance and government backdoors to encryption and expect the FBI, et. al. to defend "national security" within the constraints of the constitution? What is he supposedly defending exactly, if not the constitution?

My default "adult conversation" on this topic involves short four letter words.

> The American people, he said, have a reasonable expectation of privacy in houses, cars and electronic devices — but he argued that right is not absolute.

They forgot the most important one: your mind. What I keep in there is mine and mine alone. If that happens to be a 12 word passphrase that unlocks a GPG key, well, sucks to be you.

What he is doing in not "just" eroding civil liberties, but he is deliberately trying to introduce a weakness that would negatively affect our national security (oh, the irony).

Since FBI director is not an electable position, is there a way to force Comey out of office or force him to resign?

Am I wrong in assuming the 'adult' part is a diminution directed towards people like those in the HN community? HN is not monolithic, but does lean towards privacy.

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