While i love rust, i do agree with @lkiux it can at time be over hyped.Rust memory feature (borrow checker ?), which seems to be rust claim to fame takes too much mindshare. Between RAII,deterministic destructors,move semantics, shared_ptr and allocator, it seems to me rust memory management feature is addressing problems that peolpe had 10/15 years ago forgoing the advances made in C++ and Dlang.
The feature IMO which make rust really great, usually only get mentioned in passing : well define compile time environement and compilation process,fast compile, sane macro system, ML like type system with pattern matching, great tooling and ecosystem out of the box.
Maybe I misunderstood what you're talking about then. Rust very much did not ignore those things. In fact, Rust has (most of) those things, but with stronger guarantees, and/or putting them more core to the language.
(Allocators are the asterisk here, those are still a work in progress.)
I not familiar enough with rust, but my point was that adding those feature to C lessen the need of a borrow checker (not that rust don't have those features.)
The feature IMO which make rust really great, usually only get mentioned in passing : well define compile time environement and compilation process,fast compile, sane macro system, ML like type system with pattern matching, great tooling and ecosystem out of the box.