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"Better yet we can tax and treat the addicted."

I don't think we should be using taxes treat the addicted. Drugs are a personal choice. You have to make that choice to first start using drugs. It could be peer pressure or you just wanted to experiment. I would rather see that tax money go for something more beneficial to society.

If we are going to legalize drugs and you make the personal choice to kill yourself, I sure as hell am not going to pay for your treatment.

It's exactly this type of thinking that makes me never want legalized drugs in the US.

How do we know that legalization reduced crime and drug abuse in Portugal? It could have been any number of things.

You already pay for police to seek out and arrest drug users, courts to prosecute them, jails to hold them, and parole officers to keep track of them once they are out.

Treatment costs a hell of a lot less than that.

Sometimes being pragmatic is better than being idealistic.

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