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Those are really small annoyances compared to everything else in Go. I don't mind Go being opinionated, everything is like that anyway and it's kind of nice in some ways. But don't mistake opinionatedness with misdesigned poor quality libraries and experimental ideas.

Take net package for example, it's not opinionated, it's just completely broken and misdesigned. There is so much mess with even the most basic things, like timeouts and cancellations [1][2] that it's almost impossible not to fuck up somewhere.

This is because the whole net library is synchronous and pushed onto experimental ideas of goroutines and channels. Instead of having an actual event loop underneath with timers, signals and everything and use asynchronous writers and readers they just poll fds and wake goroutines when fds are ready, forcing themselves to deal with typical multithreaded concurrency hell.

[1] https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-complete-guide-to-golang-net... [2] https://github.com/golang/go/issues/16100

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