From the article: "We found a technical bug in Search where only the presidential candidates participating in an active primary election were appearing in a Knowledge Graph result. Because the Republican and Libertarian primaries have ended, those candidates did not appear. This bug was resolved early this morning.” — Google Spokesperson
No, this happened too many times and it is also known that Silicon Valley leaders from Google/Apple/Facebook and others met to discuss how to stop Trump.
I've also seen that a week ago the Google image search for one of Trumps books returned Hitlers Mein Kampf as the first result, which I feel is extremely disgusting.
Yea but... the explanation that it was just a bug makes sense.
The idea that there is an organizational conspiracy at Google to make DT not show up in search is much harder to believe. Even if there are SV leaders who don't support him (and I am assuming for good reason), the idea that they A) someone are convincing an entire company to put their credibility on the line and B) actually think that DT not showing up in a "presidential candidate" search is ACTUALLY going to sway some public opinion, are both crazy assumptions to me.
I mean it isn't like people don't know DT is the GOP nominee, why would they see that search in the article and go "Well, shit, guess he dropped out!"
No, I didn't care back then because I'm a citizen of an EU country. But over the years PC censorship and self-censorship pushed by the left has become so intolerable in the west that I can't ignore it anymore.
It's btw funny how Google's algorithms are seemingly always gamed in favour of left wing politicians at every single election in the US and EU.
It's also telling that you feel it is fine to smear your political opponent like they did with Santorum.
You know google search puts together things which are conversationally related. If you don't think people are making Trump Hitler parallels you are in an echo chamber.