SeaFile did originate in China though. The German corporation is benefiting from millions of $ of R&D open sourced in China.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way associated with Seafile in China, but found it worthy to point out the origin of (good) software coming out of a country largely misunderstood as a low-quality cloning epicenter.
Reading up on it, I'm a bit disappointed they make it sound like the Seafile Ltd is some aggressive fork.
They could have just said "We are ending close cooperation with upstream because they move to fast/dont provide the stability we need as a service provider using the platform"
Over the last years working with Seafile Ltd. has proven more and more difficult. Our cooperation now has reached a point where we can no longer in good conscience develop a software together.
Our goal at Seafile GmbH is and has always been to provide a stable and reliable product for our customers and the Open Source community. We have been disagreeing for a long time with
- the current development race,
- erratic changes of public plans,
- beta testing on paying customers,
- removal of features without proper prior notification or migration plans and
- disrespect towards data privacy when it comes to German or European law.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way associated with Seafile in China, but found it worthy to point out the origin of (good) software coming out of a country largely misunderstood as a low-quality cloning epicenter.