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Why SoftBank is paying $32B for ARM Holdings (cringely.com)
4 points by evo_9 on July 20, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> “Why should they get all the money?” thinks Mr. Son.

> What if ARM Holdings turned itself into Qualcomm?

This is basically the type of thinking that (over the long term) will alienate ARM's customers (perhaps even Apple, or Qualcomm itself).

Normally, I would be pissed off at this, but I'm not because I know such actions by ARM would lead to higher popularity for the RISC-V architecture in the future, not just for mobile, but also for IoT, which seems to be Softbank's "big bet" with ARM.

It's not a "wrong" strategy for Softbank, just "different" from what ARM has been doing so far, and although it could lead to much higher revenues, profits, and market cap for Softbank, it should also have a direct negative impact on the ISA's ubiquity and its number of licensees.

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