From the first screenshot, it looks like their final version has a vertical range slider under each numeric position. Why use a slider vs. simply having the individual number options? E.g. something like:
I would imagine dividing the column in to ten segments would leave them rather small and difficult to hit accurately, on screen keyboards for instance require a certain amount of prediction to guide missed clicks; a fader lets you dial it in. If you've ever played a stringed instrument (fretless that is), you will know that it's easier to miss your note by a little and then roll your finger to adjust than it is to simply get the note first try without some kind of tactile feedback like a fret, or in the app's case, a physical button.
Sadly, the slider-thumb/slider-track pseudo-element selectors haven't been standardized yet. There are prefixed selectors available for all the major rendering engines, but we were only targeting webkit-based browsers (more specifically, we were building for a webkit-based web view in a Xamarin app for iOS and Android). CSS-Tricks has a good writeup if you're interested: