Something huge is happening. EVERYBODY in Turkey is watching the news at the moment. The military is rushing in every major news station, there are battles between the police and the military, every flight in istanbul is cancelled and the two bridges to europe
in istanbul are closed by the military. So much going on. I don't know if the people there are happy, unsure or feared of the situation. BUT: it's a weird coup: no massive presence of the military on the street like you would suspect. Just at some major places like the palace in ankara and the mentioned bridges. To repeat me. This is by far the best newsfeed in english:
Still a huge lag to the turkish sources but at least.. I for myself get my news and information from good friends and their whatsapp groups. And it is so terrifying.
Turkey’s recent-to-the-job prime minister, Binali Yildirim, announced: “I am sure that we will return ties with Syria to normal, we need it. We normalized our relations with Israel and Russia. I’m sure we will go back to normal relations with Syria as well.”
The prime minister said this a couple of days ago. A huge shift in policy and now suddenly a coup. I'm guessing Erdogan saw the writing on the wall and tried to shift gears, but it seems the military went ahead with the coup anyway.
Something huge is happening. EVERYBODY in Turkey is watching the news at the moment. The military is rushing in every major news station, there are battles between the police and the military, every flight in istanbul is cancelled and the two bridges to europe in istanbul are closed by the military. So much going on. I don't know if the people there are happy, unsure or feared of the situation. BUT: it's a weird coup: no massive presence of the military on the street like you would suspect. Just at some major places like the palace in ankara and the mentioned bridges. To repeat me. This is by far the best newsfeed in english:
Still a huge lag to the turkish sources but at least.. I for myself get my news and information from good friends and their whatsapp groups. And it is so terrifying.