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UK gov says new Home Sec will have powers to ban end-to-end encryption (theregister.co.uk)
33 points by s_dev on July 14, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

> Earl Howe responded: “I was certainly not implying that the Government wished to ban end-to-end encryption; in fact, we do not seek to ban any kind of encryption. However, there will be circumstances where it is reasonably practicable for a company to build in a facility to de-encrypt the contents of communication.”

This guy graduated from Oxford

It's always amazed me how much England is a polic state with information and the internet while being firmly in West as far as democracy and in the line of history that that extends back to the Greeks.

Seriously, banning End-to-End Encryption? That's just a barrier to businesses operating in your borders and entrepreneurs starting up in your garages (or sheds rather).

> It's always amazed me how much England is a polic state with information and the internet while being firmly in West as far as democracy and in the line of history that that extends back to the Greeks.

The Athenians had a violent state periodically ruled by dictators (tyrants). Sparta was a weird totalitarian state. Both were tribalist most similar to the Wahhabis. The common culture they brought with them when they invaded Greece would be familiar in lots of countries (e.g. the women were in purdah).

And England has been a prime factory for totalitarianism for centuries: consider Bentham's Panopticon and what country Orwell lived in. And they are the inventors of the modern concentration camp...

We will see the same shit everywhere, "Of course you can have encryption, as long as its the official version from the government. Only terrorists use the illegal versions of encryption", and if your caught using it, you go to jail for life.

How long until this is implemented? 5 years? 10 years?

Its unlikely that this would stop any terrorism, banning something such as drugs doesn't make the drugs go away.

Banning a form of communication doesn't prevent people from communicating. People can still communicate by unusual methods, and knowing that their communications can be "over-heard" they can make stronger attempts to keep the symbols by which they communicate secret.

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