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> It creates health insurance exchanges on which people can by individual insurance without being denied for pre-existing conditions

One could (and can) do this without the exchanges.

Yes, before ACA some pre-existing conditions would deny access to some policies from some insurers. This was to prevent a career smoker at age 75 from signing up for a new very large policy, and immediately get the benefits they haven't paid for.

We didn't need all of the baggage that came with ACA to accomplish this.

> meaning they don't need to be in a job offering a group plan in order to get insurance

> ACA has made it possible for people to buy individual plans who were not able to buy them

Before ACA, you did not need to belong to a group plan to get insurance. And to that endeavor, private individual insurance policies are about the same price now as they were then...


Meanwhile... ACA didn't touch pharmaceutical companies - the true reason healthcare is so expensive ($700 salt water IV's anyone?).

> private individual insurance policies are about the same price

Not for `zrail: pre-ACA, insurers charged high-risk buyers like him/her much higher-than-average premiums based on their medical history. Now that's not allowed.

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