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> I don't think it competes with, just for two obvious, off-the-top-of-my-head examples, either the Indian Removal Act or the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Those legislation mainly affected people who weren't US citizens, though. Obamacare does, which makes it way worse for US citizens.

Prohibition or the Japanese internments(if executive orders count) are maybe a better example.

> Those legislation mainly affected people who weren't US citizens, though.

Certainly the Sedition Act's repression of free speech was not restricted to, nor primarily targeting, non-citizens; it principally targeted domestic dissent. (The first prosecution under that act -- or any of the Alien and Sedition Acts -- was of an opposition-party Congressman for writings critical of the administration.)

Not that "worst for American citizens" was the original claim, anyway.

We're diving into the semantics, but the post complained of the "worst legislation", not "worst for American citizens".

> Those legislation mainly affected people who weren't US citizens, though.

Then what about Samuel Worcester?

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