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The question I guess is not what diseases are in decline, but which ones are going up

Apparently Parkinson's disease has been on the rise over the past several disease, some say due to the decrease in smoking. Which is fascinating, as smoking has been shown to be actually protective against Parkinson's.

Or maybe you die from something smoking related before getting Parkinson's.

Or maybe both.

Ans: Diabetes

Any idea if that includes Type I, or only Type II?

Type II.

Type II is insulin resistance. Which is probably caused by our industrial diet and maybe other factors. The rate is increasing dramatically.

Type I is an autoimmune disease. I think it's not increasing. (no idea)

its less caused by diet than lack of mobility. we spend most of our waking day sitting down now. active over weight people with 'bad diets' are healthier than skinny inactive people. but its hard to legislate that, and much easier to pound the shoe on the table about sodas than it is to tell people they need to get up and move

No... It is absolutely caused by diet. Exercise is a factor, but only because you're expending the calories you brought into your body in the first place.


I hope you're not a doctor!

Hunger should be correlated with calories expended, our metabolic system is homeostatic. the unnatural consumption of refined carbohydrates, and in such large quantities, is what is causing the Diabetes II epidemic and widespread obesity, both likely symptoms of the same disorder.

"Going up" usually just means in percentage, as more serious diseases decline below that percentage.

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