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I’ve been using Literate Haskell for a project recently. It’s a heavily mathematical data-crunching algorithm, in the region of a few thousand lines of executable code. This is the first time I’ve tried writing literate code in a major professional project, and it’s been interesting to see how the reality matched up with my initial expectations.

To me, the biggest practical difference is whether your documentation is primarily written as a tutorial or for reference on demand. Presenting ideas in a natural order for tutorial purposes is useful to someone coming to the code for the first time, or if you’re coming back to look at a module a while after you first wrote it when all those little details are no longer so familiar.

In my case, the documentation is generated using LaTeX and so can also include maths, diagrams, tables and other illustrative material right there next to the associated code, as well as providing a natural place to put module- or program-wide summary information to give an overview of how everything fits together. Like a mathematical paper, it takes a little effort to present all this extra documentation well. However, it’s hard to overstate how much better it is if you’re trying to understand some intricate mathematical code that you wrote three months ago and the actual maths is right there and is then directly reflected in the shape of the code.

Others have mentioned that literate code might be harder to maintain in the long run. I’m not sure how realistic that really is, based on my experience so far. If you’re making code changes significant enough that you’d want to reorder the whole presentation, you’re probably rewriting significant chunks of that documentation anyway, and it’s not as if our editing tools can’t cope with moving code and/or text around.

What does suffer, significantly in my experience, is the scannability of the code. Those few thousand lines of Haskell I mentioned produce well over 100 pages of typeset documentation at this point. That’s partly because of the extensive textual notes and mathematics and diagrams and so on. It’s also partly because typeset documentation is naturally more spaced out because of things like headings and blank lines. But the fact remains, if I looked at just the source code in my usual editor, I’d probably have 50–100 lines visible in a single window, and I can open several of those windows at once on a big screen. If I’m looking through the literate documentation (or the source file from which it is generated) then I am probably only seeing one third to one half of that at most, and crucially, that code only appears a few related lines at a time, often a single function or a small family of related type definitions. Since Haskell itself is rather uniform in appearance and tends to be written by composing very short elements anyway, this makes finding and understanding individual fragments of code noticeably harder than regular coding when you want to refer back to something in isolation.

So far, I’m finding that a price worth paying, at least for this kind of heavily mathematical work with me as the sole developer. In practice, I don’t actually want to refer to a small code fragment on its own very often. I’m more likely to come back to a whole module, skim the entire literate documentation for it (probably just a few pages) to remind myself of how it all fits together, and then not need to jump around understanding small individual elements in isolation. Still, there is definitely a cost here, and it definitely affects how I read and understand the code as I’m working with it later. I suspect some of that cost would be incurred anyway by using Haskell, or any other language and programming style that emphasize composing many small elements, but using literate programming does exaggerate the effect, and so far I’ve found that to be its biggest drawback over more conventional styles.

There's a (somewhat rambling, but interesting) talk on the effort to rewrite the lisp symbolic math system Axiom[a] as a literate program (spanning several books) - precisely in order to make it possible to refactor and maintain the code:

"Literate Programming in the Large": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Av0PQDVTP4A

[a] http://axiom-developer.org/

That's very interesting.

I wonder whether a `show me the code only' view would be useful?

I have written some short literate Haskell pieces, but nothing more than executable blog posts.

I wonder whether a `show me the code only' view would be useful?

What I personally miss most is the ability to look at code from different perspectives and navigate it in different ways.

I find writing in a literate style is much more like preparing an academic paper or formal presentation than like programming as I usually would. There’s a clear order of doing things, but there’s only one order, a very static form of presentation and reading. As I mentioned before, I find this can work quite well when the work actually is heavily mathematical and relies on careful and systematic construction of the final result, but like working with math papers, it’s definitely an “acquired taste” and takes some getting used to.

In contrast, when I’m programming in most other languages, I rapidly navigate all over the code to follow relationships and definitions and so on. We have lots of tools to help do that quickly and easily in any modern programmer’s editor or IDE. We also have lots of ways to display different parts of the code and visualisations of the relationships between them simultaneously. I really miss that sort of dynamic, flexible working environment with the Literate Haskell. Sadly, I’ve yet to discover any programming environment that supports both the documentation side (essentially a good editor for working with LaTeX and the related tools) and the programming side (more like an interactive IDE).

To be fair, this feeling is probably due in part to my own relative inexperience with Haskell projects on this scale. Although I’ve long been interested in functional programming and used it for various bits and pieces over the years, my large-scale, professional projects have generally used more mainstream languages like C++, Python and JavaScript, and the tools and environments that go with them. Functional programming has a rather different feel anyway, and perhaps I just haven’t learned to combine that more mathematical/functional mindset, literate programming style, and the available tools as well as I could yet.

In any case, I definitely believe there’s a lot of potential for new tools in this area, combining the kind of documentation and structured presentation I’m seeing with the literate code with the kind of dynamic, on-demand exploration of code that modern IDEs for many other languages offer.

I've been using Haskell a lot (even professionally for 5 years). None of my commercial Haskell coding was literate, though. That has been restricted to smaller explanatory pieces.

We do jump around in the programming editor when doing Haskell. Eg jump to definition is just as useful as for other languages.

May I ask what you use for editing your Haskell code?

For the literate project I’m using my usual programmer’s editor. It handles switching between the LaTeX and Haskell reasonably well in terms of syntax highlighting, but it does lack most IDE-like features, even with any of the extra packages I’ve tried installing so far.

A tool that provided reasonably reliable go-to-definition functionality would certainly be a helpful addition, and the kinds of pop-up help you get in IDEs to keep track of function parameters and their types seem particularly relevant to a language like Haskell, but I’ve yet to find an environment that both offers those features and handles the documentation aspects well.

I've never tried the LaTeX literate Haskell in earnest, only the > kind.

I've been using Emacs, Vim to edit Haskell, and at Standard Chartered Visual Studio to edit their Haskell dialect.

Go-to-definition and display-type-of-expression-at-cursor can be done in Vim and Emacs already.

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