Wikipedia lists Khaled, Algerian raï musician; Richard Ramirez, American serial killer; Tony Robbins, American motivational speaker as being born on 29 February 1960.
Oddly searching for 29021960 doesn't return a result. But searching for 2902196 does and shows there's a zero after it.
ISO format is yyyymmdd, not ddmmyyyy. First recent ISO date in pi is 19530921 at the 417th decimal place. All Wikipedia has for that date is the birth of a musician and recording engineer called Andy Heermans.
Wikipedia lists Khaled, Algerian raï musician; Richard Ramirez, American serial killer; Tony Robbins, American motivational speaker as being born on 29 February 1960.
Oddly searching for 29021960 doesn't return a result. But searching for 2902196 does and shows there's a zero after it.