It shouldn't affect your prospects too much. Just keep your skills sharp while you an building and running your startup.
I've built and failed at two startups. And after those failures I've found one of the most fulfilling jobs I've had in my career. I've learned so much about business building, managing, sales, and finances over the last few years. Use those skills you learn while building to help find your next role!
I'll build something in the future, once I've had a few years to recover from the startup world.
I've built and failed at two startups. And after those failures I've found one of the most fulfilling jobs I've had in my career. I've learned so much about business building, managing, sales, and finances over the last few years. Use those skills you learn while building to help find your next role!
I'll build something in the future, once I've had a few years to recover from the startup world.