Nice, I've been looking for something like this. Now if this would be available for WSL, that would be perfect. My organisation (ATLAS experiment) provides binaries for CentOS and OS X via CVMFS, a HTTP based fuse-filesystem. You source a simple bash script and can use any release of our whole stack (also stuff like different gcc versions). This is one major reason many of my colleagues switched to Mac. If I'd be able to use CVMFS (and maybe AFS) from WSL which can run Linux binaries, suddenly windows would become a fully featured dev platform for us.
AppFS ( ) addresses similar functionality as CVMFS, but with much more support for fancy things, like writing and setsid files, safely.
I am looking at porting it to Windows, but it is a low priority.
Oh nice. I also spent a day some years ago to add fuse support to cygwin proper, but got stuck somewhere and never published my code. Good that someone finally did it.