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I mainly mean that it'll be a while before btrfs stabilizes and even then, it's been how many next-gen file systems in floss land each with critical issues, usually non-technical in nature in even the past 5 years?

Kind of weird how Linux filesystems always seem to have problems....it seems like that's the sort of problem open source would do a reasonable good job at.

Do they have more problems or more users in many more different situations? And then they are vocal...

ZFS has this sterling reputation but a fair number of people have actually lost data to it. Some of it is bad hardware,orb ad choices in hardware, some of it is bad administration, it's still happened.

Linus isn't very happy: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/Linus-Torvalds-Ups...

I don't expect any filesystem to eliminate the need for actual backups, but

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