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Ask HN: Democratizing the web?
1 point by 2gglgulv6m on June 8, 2016 | hide | past | favorite
Is there a browser app where users can flag elements in pages they find outright annoying to improve their overall experience of the web by blocking these items?

A sanity filter. Think Adblock but for everything else that distracts you from the actual content:

- Click to read the full article.

- Please log in to access and download the 'free' content.

- Please subscribe!

- Please don't unsubscribe!

- If you liked this, oh boy, you will love these other 2764 articles!

- Share this on Spacebook! Twittar? Mumblr?

- Look! I redesigned the scroll bar for you! Wow. Such tech.

- Click to read the next page because we unnecessarily split the content into many pieces so you are exposed to more ads.

- Pastejacking? Clickjacking?

- Everything else not listed

Probably hard to implement (esp. with websites continuously updated), but just sharing this annoyance.

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