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It's impossible to precisely calculate "the true figure" of a counterfactual, which is what you appeared to demand. It's obviously not impossible to estimate it or approximate it, particularly when we have things like physical laws, historical correlations, basic reasoning, or even self-reported data to guide us. None of these are "the true figure", although physical laws tend to work pretty well, and despite that are not necessarily totally wrong, within some margin of error. (I'm not sure if macroeconomic claims are the best way of demonstrating the possibility of calculating counterfactuals, at any rate!)

Anyway: if you showed me a study that interviewed a statistically appropriate number and distribution of bankrupt debtors and found that over 50% claimed that a high tax bill was the cause of or contributed to their bankruptcy, I'd agree that taxes probably needed to come down.

Still, a tax bill is fundamentally different from a medical bill, in that your tax bill is ultimately a fact of life: it's something you're aware of ahead of time, and the assumption that you have to pay it is baked into the salary you take, and, in principle, into the rate chosen by legislators. You can plan for it and account for it in a way that you can't catastrophe, and outside of extenuating factors, failure to do so likely indicates pretty severe financial irresponsibility if tax rates are at all reasonable. That's probably why people wouldn't be too likely to claim that tax (or groceries, or rent...) caused their bankruptcy - even if a person is living paycheque to paycheque, they might be scraping by, and then wham: suddenly they get diagnosed with cancer or get struck by lightning and half their annual salary goes to the hospital in one moment, they're going to say that those medical bills caused the bankruptcy, not the expenses that they'd already accounted and planned for. Which I don't think is necessarily wrong: if I knock a glass off a table, in terms of blame, my action is what caused it to fall and drop, and chalking it up to gravity or the glass being in the way is somehow wrong, in terms of our understanding of the idea of fault.

A better comparison might be a tax hike causing bankruptcy. And yeah, if the federal government declared that a person with an annual income of 45k (the average of the people in the PNHS study) suddenly owed 17k more in taxes and people went bankrupt trying to pay it and blamed it on the hike, I would 100% be on their side (and yours, I'm guessing). You wouldn't even need to show me a study, to be honest. I would probably also say that instead of taxing these people just scraping by, they should tax the rich instead, who can easily afford it, and use that to subsidize for the poor, which is incidentally how I think health care should work.

None of these are "the true figure",

No, but they may be a good approximation. P(B|A) is not a good approximation to P(A|B) - P(A|!B), no matter how much you wish it were.

Anyway: if you showed me a study that interviewed a statistically appropriate number and distribution of bankrupt debtors and found that over 50% claimed that a high tax bill was the cause of or contributed to their bankruptcy, I'd agree that taxes probably needed to come down.

So subjective preferences matter more than objective figures (like costs in excess of $1001)? Interesting.

That's probably why people wouldn't be too likely to claim that tax (or groceries, or rent...) caused their bankruptcy - even if a person is living paycheque to paycheque,...

Yes. The person doesn't want to admit that their spendthrift ways are cause of their problems. They instead choose something that they can nominally pretend is not their fault.

I've seen this in action. I know a guy with a $100-200k/year income, gigantic home, second home, third investment property, spendthrift wife, 2 cars, and living "paycheck to paycheck". He's in serious financial trouble, hundreds of thousands in debt. He also blames unexpected medical expenses (probably under $20k) for his troubles - certainly easier than blaming himself.

You seem to be defending this claim, by saying that Warren's criteria are reasonable.

The fact an expense of 40% of your annual compensation should be easy to handle - a 10% savings rate will get you there in 4 years. Americans prefer a risky financial position in order to have high consumption. That's a choice.

I suppose it is disgraceful that so many Americans behave irresponsibly and then expect others to pick up the tab.

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