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There's a fascinating idea presented in a webcomic (that I totally cannot find right now) that really explores this idea.

Aside from what all else is going on in the society, everybody has a banked amount of money that is their steady-state; that amount is pegged to living costs (either civ wide, or locally, I don't remember, probably something in between). If you currently have less than that amount, your account gradually fills - if you current have more, it drains. I also don't remember if the rates are fixed, or are curved (further from baseline, higher the fill/drain rate is).

Time-based costs and payments - rent, salary - are then taken as a rate, while one-off payments (meals, events, items) are paid for normally.

The goal of the system is a more matured BI situation, /plus/ an incentive structure to keep producing. If you make a shit ton of money off something, it'll last for some amount of time, but you will have to eventually re-contribute to society in order to maintain the "rich" standard of living.

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