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> Sure, but, like, changing the fundamental cost structure of our health care system seems like a pretty big add to the already absurdly big policy change of a basic income.

We already have a national individual mandate for health insurance with specific coverage rules which has made decisions about this; essentially, a mature BI would cover expected out-of-pocket costs plus insurance premiums in that system.

(That's not to say further reform of that system isn't possible or desirable, with or without BI, just that, given the existing system, there seems to be a fairly natural way that healthcare within that system fits into BI.)

Sorry, I misunderstood your previous comment to mean that you thought we should go to an India-like "out of pocket" system plus (optional) health insurance to handle catastrophic costs. Rereading, your intent is clear.

(Not sure why I jumped to that conclusion, except that perhaps a basic income system appeals to the same economic minimalism that an out-of-pocket health cost system does.)

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