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>It's almost inevitably that there'll then be the "food security" fund, and the "housing guarantee" fund

Seems like basic income allows for this issue to be resolved by private organizations easier since cash is much more liquid than welfare/other government benefits.

So basically what I'm getting at, is if you can't manage your own life, there will be a corporation that provides shelter, food, and basic necessities for you in exchange for 100% of your BI (cue comparisons with the for-profit prison industry).

Those that are unfit for even this model (their special needs require more service than their BI can possibly cover) would be a small minority (assuming BI could cover basic but adequate care for the majority of the elderly) and I suspect they would need to be institutionalized if there were no family or charity organizations that could support them.

Well that's my off-the-cuff zero-research opinion anyways.

Just as a tangential addon to this - I think if this were to happen, a computer with internet would have to be part of the basic necessities package. Maybe it's because I'm a nerd or the internet has had such a huge effect on me, but I feel with the internet and proper guidance to get tutorials, search things online and so on can really help those people produce things and learn. Without it, they might end up just roaming in the streets, doing drugs, maybe watch TV. Not to be cliche but I really feel like if people aren't introduced to the more "intellectual" side of life, they may never seek it themselves.

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