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Yeah, it's a great question.

One solution I've been thinking about is if we could hand out the basic income in a daily increment. I don't know the actual implementation details, but something like you get a government card that can work at any ATM or something, which has an account that increments every day.

That way, at worst, you end up hungry for a day, which is manageable.

We'd need "basic income compatible" housing, hence my answer[0] to a previous YC question about what they should fund at YC Research. If the housing is cheap enough to accommodate BI, and it accepted payments every day, then you can't really spend yourself out of accommodations. At least, if the feedback loop is close enough such that "I buy this thing and now I can't get back into my apartment tonight" works, then I think that could prevent homelessness in the "poor budgeting" rather than "mental illness" case.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11000558

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