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Several possible limiting factors:

1) Population - As of 2013 the U.S. Census Bureau estimated Santa Cruz's population at 62,864 [1], versus ~860,000, for San Francisco alone, as of 2015.[2]

2) Water - "The SCWD currently has four water supply sources: 1) surface water diversions from three creeks and one natural spring on the Santa Cruz Country Coast; 2) surface water diversions from San Lorenzo River; 3) surface water from Loch Lomond Reservoir; 4) groundwater extracted from the Purisima Formation by the Live Oak well system."[3] The recent drought represented a sobering reality for residents, regarding capacity of the existing system.

3) Geography - Perhaps someone more knowledgeable on this might weigh in, on this, but the area comprises a number of marine terraces; you go from ocean to hilly redwoods in about three miles, or less, with most people living primarily on the marine terrace plateaus. You could develop it, I guess (?)

It's a gem, for sure, and not saying it's impossible; I guess we'd have to define the characteristics of what a New SF would represent, for you. : o )

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Cruz,_California

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco

[3] http://www.ucsc.edu/conserving-water/water-supply.html

Water is the biggest limiting factor. The campus has plans to expand further into the redwoods and build additional student housing, but can't do so without an adequate water supply. Currently their plans would further endanger local fish e.g. the smelt.

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