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Had, and many people think so. Somebody even made a TrueType font called Dijkstra (http://ufonts.com/fonts/dijkstra.html)

If you want to keep one, it is worthwhile to download it from a few sites; multiple variants exist. AFAIK the only difference between them is the character set (a couple of fractions, IIRC)

>His handwriting was so perfect and distinct that in the late 1980s Luca Cardelli, then from the DEC Systems Research Center, designed a ‘Dijkstra’ font for Macintosh computers. Soon after, Dijkstra received a letter typeset in this font and thought it was handwritten until news reached him about the creation of this font.

Ddsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930–2002): A Portrait of a Genius - CWI http://homepages.cwi.nl/~apt/ps/dijkstra.pdf

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