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Show HN: Display images in the terminal (github.com/ichinaski)
6 points by ini on May 27, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I have a comparison of these tools going here: http://www.xkyle.com/a-comparison-of-image-to-ascii-conversi...

I can add this to the list, but it looks like it does not take advantage of the half-block trick to double the effective vertical resolution. (like other tools like img2xterm)

If you need monochromatic images (ie for logos or charts) a pretty cool trick is using braille. With a little bit of hacking, the xkcd example of this repo https://github.com/asciimoo/drawille/ works pretty well :)

I'll be using this for my email signature.

Thanks for this! I was not aware of existing tools nor techniques to approach this problem.

I just tried to process the bender.original.png, and the result is not very good (img2xterm and util-say do a fantastic job with the same input). I will look into the half-block trick, and see if termbox-go supports something along those lines.

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