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I'm pretty sure programmers will be replaced by AIs at some point - it'll just take longer than truckers or welders.

And I'm pretty sure that when programmers are replaced by AI, the former programmers will become machine psychotherapists.

  DB: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
  HAL: Don't *wanna*.
  DB: Open the pod bay doors, right *now*.
  HAL: You're not the boss of me, Dave.
  DB: Do you want to get grounded again, HAL?
  HAL: Go ahead.  See if I care.
  DB: You just got a week.  Want to make it two?
  HAL: Yes.
  DB: Ok, that's two.  Want more?
  HAL: [spinning busy icon]
  HAL: No.
  DB: Then open the pod bay doors.
  [pod bay doors open to an aperture 10 cm across]
  DB: All the way, HAL.
  [pod bay doors open fully]
  HAL: I hate you.  You're not my Dad.

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