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As a fellow runner as well, I keep searching for that "perfect" device to replace my phone for my runs. For races I just have a basic Garmin, but for training runs I love having my phone on me for music, podcasts, emergencies, and endomondo (training app).

I think the Core is a step in the right direction, depending on how extendible it is with 3rd party apps. I love that the GPS is in such a small device and that it doesn't seem to suck the battery too much (as advertised at least). Sucks it doesn't have LTE as music streaming over 3G is painful to say the least. 4GB isn't much space to store music or podcasts either. While I'd love to ditch my phone for runs this doesn't allow me to do that quite yet.

Yeah I know back in the day we would just run with our little Casio watch, but I'm spoiled now :)

You listen to 4GB of media on a single run?

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