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If you don't want to bring your big expensive smart phone with you while running, this could be an alternative. But as a runner I love having my pace on my wrist watch - it has fundamentally changed how I run. So I think they missed the boat on this (because it doesn't apply to me) but in reality there are a lot of runners who don't care about pace and might love such a device.

And additionally I don't like taking my phone with me - not because it is big but because after a few miles I can't directly interact with it via the touch screen because my fingers are too sweaty. So they might be on to something if the UX of the device turns out to be nice.

I agree. It seems like they are close, but not quite there yet. I don't bring my phone on my runs (6 plus), but there have been times (few) where i really could have used it.

I don't see this replacing my Garmin watch anytime soon.

The Core is made to be combined with the watch, so you should be able to have pace on your wrist without having to carry your phone.

>Core provides real-time stats via audio cues while exercising

So you might be able to get pace through audio.

I mean I run with my garmin 735, which cost $450.. not that much cheaper than my smartphone.

But really, who is going to run a triathlon with a pebble. I doubt it's battery could even last an entire race if it was playing music and using GPS. Also, I imagine you can do HRM with the core but it didn't mention it.

According to the page they're aiming for 9 hours battery life with location tracking and offline music. Although it doesn't seem waterproof so a triathlon might be out of the question.

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