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1. Don't want them sleeping in tents on sidewalks? Provide a place to pitch a tent that doesn't cost money--maybe rent a piece of land in another county, and use tax payer money for security, etc. Other counties don't want them. Problem.

2. Want to avoid stepping on feces/urine? Build some restrooms? Oh no? They will just have sex in them, or shoot up. Problem. (By the way, I can find a restroom in that lovely city.)

3. That study concluded most homeless are from San Francisco. "Oh, no they arn't! It's a bad study!" Problem.

4. "There here for the benefits?" What benefits? I only know of one benefit, and that benefit was for homeless animals. It was shut down years ago.

5. Every county in the Bay Area has been essentially harassing the Homeless. In Marin County, where your bosses live; there's not one square inch of land that's legal to pitch a tent, or sleep--that's free. If you have no money--you are breaking some municipal/county law by sleeping.

6. Our economy has desimated most jobs. The jobs left don't provide a livable wage. This has been going on for 25-30 years. Problem.

7. I haven't even got to drug use, or mental patients. Problem.

8. Oh yea, why is the Bay Area going to do this day of homeless awareness now? I think the writing us on the walls. I know Willie Brown is publically wondering what SF is going to do with thousands of newly unemployed tech. workers.

> I can find a restroom ...

Did you mean "can't" or maybe "can never"? In most cities I've been to, including SF, it's been really hard to find public restrooms.

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