solution: design the rss feed with "top readers" in mind, inject "calls to action" links in the rss feed (like "Hey you, yea you the RSS subscriber, you're an avid reader and I appreciate that! I give FULL CONTENT access via RSS in hopes that my most engaged readers will add valuable input to my posts. Click here to comment and I'll try to respond and maybe even attach our discussion to the article. (at least click through to see what others readers are saying!)"
Get creative! Engage! Raise your expectation of engagement for your most valuable readers. If a blogger is doing things right he/she will have designed his blog posts to be a valuable "conversation" (and therefore making rss feeds merely an "entry point").
Get creative! Engage! Raise your expectation of engagement for your most valuable readers. If a blogger is doing things right he/she will have designed his blog posts to be a valuable "conversation" (and therefore making rss feeds merely an "entry point").