Don't you want at least that bit of explicit control? To avoid giving money to inane clickbait, etc.?
I've used flattr in the past, but the main problem for me was that there was so much low-effort stuff fighting for clicks. Flattr has good reasons for their just share everything evenly default, but unfortunately it also makes low effort stuff a lot more viable relatively speaking.
Nope, but if I click on something and then exit within say 5 seconds then no payment should be made. Yes, clickbait is a risk but there is an even bigger risk that I'll get engrossed in a long form article and completely forget to click some button. For a long form article where I spend a good say 30 minutes reading it there should be a much larger payout.
Thinking about it, allowing me to configure these parameters would be good.
I currently put €10 per month on Flattr and it would be great to not have to click each time I want to help out a publisher.