I have been developing odd-ball physics apps (ThreeBody, Geodesic Asteroids most recently).
I'd say I put in about 10 hrs/week => 520/yr.
Last year my revenues were up 400% (to $88) with expenses of about $400 (apple developer fee, web host, test device, couple of books) - so a loss of about $300.
I'm in the same ballpark of time and losses. I'm selling a WebRTC-based video chat solution (pretty much vanilla at the moment), which we wanted to turn into a bigger platform.
Earnings should be a bit higher though (they're going to be $ 500 / year if I keep the customers because it's a SAAS model), but they come nowhere close to covering the time invested - and I still have a LOT of basic stuff to implement.
Infinite. Can't make many things public nor open source either because nda, non competes or because I didn't ever put them past "it could work" phase. Mostly the latter to be honest. Figuring solutions is so much more interesting that working out kinks and corner cases
Just boring enterprise software. Yes, the new technology makes me more valuable in the job market but other than that, I think I'm just getting old as I see choice of technology as bikeshedding these days.
I have an Android and iOS game that took me around 125h to do (including learning time).
In the last 12 months it made around $25000, so about $200 per hour.
I'm not counting with time spent maintaining the game, but it should come to about 2~4h/week in the last year or so.
I'd say I put in about 10 hrs/week => 520/yr.
Last year my revenues were up 400% (to $88) with expenses of about $400 (apple developer fee, web host, test device, couple of books) - so a loss of about $300.
Time/revenue = 88/520 = $0.17/hr