> Here is a list of papers and writings of what I consider are essential Haskell reading
Most of those papers are really not "essential" for getting things done in Haskell.
If you want to dig deeper into Haskell's type system or Category Theory in general, then yes, there are a lot of good papers in that list.
If you just want to write safe, conscious and understandable code, then you are much better off reading the excellent "Haskell Programming from first priciples" [1] or the slightly outdated "Real World Haskell" [2].
I'm reading Haskell Programming from First Principals right now it's just awesome. I've gone through a couple books on Haskell before this, and it's by far the best. Can't recommend it enough!
Most of those papers are really not "essential" for getting things done in Haskell.
If you want to dig deeper into Haskell's type system or Category Theory in general, then yes, there are a lot of good papers in that list.
If you just want to write safe, conscious and understandable code, then you are much better off reading the excellent "Haskell Programming from first priciples" [1] or the slightly outdated "Real World Haskell" [2].
[1] http://haskellbook.com/ [2] http://book.realworldhaskell.org/