The second one sounds like big fun when you LD_PRELOAD a different memcpy (say, for debugging purposes) and spend hours and hours trying to figure out why it is not being called.
Yes, it's a nightmare, particularly on OS X with its funny loader semantics that make replacing malloc and free correctly very painful. For example, you can easily LD_PRELOAD your way out of malloc() but did you remember that asprintf also calls an allocation routine and won't use your new malloc? Enjoy.
Hmm, why won't it? Maybe in the past when asprintf and malloc were located in the same dylib, since OS X dylibs generate direct calls to other public functions in the same image (rather than going through the PLT as GNU does by default), but for many years /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib has been split into several reexported libraries in /usr/lib/system, so there shouldn't be an issue there. Probably better to use this technique though (should still work in the latest version but needs mprotect):