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I'm pretty impressed by ASAN (and MSAN, UBSAN, etc.) It catches uses after free trivially, as long as you have unit tests, which I always do.

I wonder at the cost of these 2 strategies, for the huge legacy of C/C++ infrastructure we have:

1) refactoring it to be testable, adding unit tests, adding test coverage automation, adding ASAN/MSAN builds, etc. (LLVM is a game changer IMO in addition to C++ 11; things have changed so much in the last 5 years)

2) rewriting it in Rust

I'm not claiming anything specific, but #2 seems strictly more expensive, since you still need unit tests for logic bugs anyway (and yes I have written OCaml and get that you can replace control flow with typed data, etc.) #1 also has a straightforward migration path.

More to the point, most open source software has TERRIBLE test hygiene. If they don't even have time to write tests, I wonder how they will have time to rewrite in Rust.

I'm all for new software in Rust, but I'm thinking about all of Linux user space, web servers, web browsers, every programming language implementation, etc.

Also, fuzzing can be combined with ASAN.


Yes it would be better to know these things statically and not dynamically, and I'm glad that Rust has innovated in this space.

ASAN has not been successful at eliminating (sometimes exploitable) use after free bugs in the wild. For example, look at this year's Pwn2Own. All browsers are heavily unit tested, fuzzed, and run through tools like ASAN, in addition to making heavy use of smart pointers, and they all fell to UAF.

There is a reasonable argument to be made that memory safety problems don't happen enough to be worth eliminating in practice (though people are often reluctant to make this argument so explicitly). But I don't think it's possible to successfully argue that they can be eliminated at reasonable cost in C++ with the tools we have today.

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