A lot of points about the dangers of exposing a USB device to the internet. I'm concerned about a future where all my USB devices require internet access. Is network chatter destined to increase until nothing we own will function without phoning home? It's a firewall headache.
> A lot of points about the dangers of exposing a USB device to the internet.
It gets exposed to the web browser, not the internet. They can become accessible via a usb:// protocol and use JavaScript for interaction. They gain no low level access.
> I'm concerned about a future where all my USB devices require internet access.
Many people on HN are worried about this though why mention it in a comment on this article? Did you read it? It exposes the USB devices to the web browser through an API that has parts similar to CORS. You'll be able to take a usb device and interface with it using an offline, HTML5, web application.