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Colleges Spending Millions to Deal with Sexual Misconduct Complaints (nytimes.com)
2 points by jseliger on April 4, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This article reminds me of an essay I wrote: "When there are too many administrators, which ones do you fire?" (http://jakeseliger.com/2015/10/16/when-there-are-too-many-ad...). Everyone likes to decry the growth of administrators, but very few of us (including me) have concrete plans about which specific administrators we'd like to pare.

There are enough of them at many institutions that you could simply fire them at random.

If research publications or course hours taught (i.e., the things that are the actual purpose of the university) decrease after firing a particular administrator, hire that one back.

(half-joking here, but only half...)

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