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Microsoft Edge Platform Data (microsoft.com)
58 points by rayshan on April 4, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

According to this API Usage list, 0% of the scanned sites use the little known "padding" css property. Did someone double check this before publishing?

The others have it: "padding" is one of many so-called "shorthand properties", and the data does in fact indicate usage of the actual (non-shorthand) properties for each of them.

Well, it has >93% usage for padding-left, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-top.

I actually worked on this project. This is just an issue with how browsers give back the parsed data (which is what it is reporting, rather than the authored styles). This is covered in the FAQ - https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platfor...

even no `margin`, `background`..etc. I guess it counts as separated property.

padding: 0 15px 20px 30px; = padding-top:0; padding-right: 15px padding-bottom: 20px padding-left: 30px

Just to remember you: Low usage of a CSS property, or an API, does not mean no one wants to use it. It can simply mean, that people just cant use it, because of missing browser support

This is such a great idea, do other browser vendors have this data available to developers?

After refined, data like this can be so valuable in many super-useless debates that we web developers have.

This is great. Looks like Chrome's stats are sourced from anonymous user tracking, whereas Edge's come from crawling top websites.

It'd be interesting to see an analysis comparing the two. Theoretically, they should be pretty similar, right?

I think the top 9 APIs that Edge implements that aren't defined in the spec is a good example of Microsoft fucking up.

Edit: After looking at the visualization data, it looks like Google is fucking up too.

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