At the end of the day, and even more so at the end of the week I am so drained. My weekends and evenings exist solely to re-energize for the days and week ahead. Hobbies I used to have are long gone. But it's not depression.
In a very loud and open office space the stimuli are never ending. There's literally no place to go either for me at least.
Any advice? Nobody seems to understand.
Can you work from home? (Can you work from home one or two days a week?)
Can you work different hours, so that you overlap for half the day instead of all day?
Can you face away from other people? Sightlines are important. Can you block other people out with a trifold poster board? ( -- $12)
Can you reduce noise with earplugs? Reusable, washable, attached with a cord or band -- they're cheap.