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First-mover is an advantage, sure, but it hardly means that anyone who isn't first to the gate is wasting their money.

Anyway, I see downthread that VonGuard has made the silly claim that "Hololens can do everything Magic Leap is supposed to do", so I think it's safe to say that the "wasting money" thing is just a throwaway line that's not based on a lot of actual knowledge in the field. I feel kind of trolled.

All I will say is: try Hololens, then come back here and tell me it is lacking, dramatically.

It's a VERY good device. Surprisingly good. I expected it to suck.

I think what's happened is that you meant "supposed to do" as in "it fills the need that ML was aiming at", and I took as "it has feature parity". The latter is clearly not true - ML is supposed to have a very wide FOV, handle the accomodation reflex, simulate occlusion, do depth of field, etc. - none of which Hololens can do.

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