Old as in so old, its goes directly back to the first LISP, which was implemented as FORTRAN subroutines which ran on a vacuum tube computer, the IBM 704, which was, at least, advanced enough to use magnetic core memory.
Scheme rethought a number of things with the experience of a couple of decades in developing languages, and Common Lisp included one of its breaking changes, lexical scope (I think Gnu Emacs Lisp and AutoCad's AutoLISP are the only widely used dialects with dynamic scope, and they're obviously not primarily language implementations).
Scheme rethought a number of things with the experience of a couple of decades in developing languages, and Common Lisp included one of its breaking changes, lexical scope (I think Gnu Emacs Lisp and AutoCad's AutoLISP are the only widely used dialects with dynamic scope, and they're obviously not primarily language implementations).