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The quality of tooling, and the ability of experts to verify the output of machine code is a really important point. I think I'd agree, rust at this point would hold back an elite developer like Richard Hipp.

The promise of rust, which may or may not be realized is pushing some very common problems down to the compiler. All code has bugs, so the compiler probably does things wrong in some cases. As the tools mature, these will get scrubbed out, just like every other project.

That said, array bounds checking is responsible for so many problems, it seems worth it to raise the minimum for a language. Not every developer is elite. In fact, they're pretty rare. C requires you to be really smart all the time, or at least be aware of when you're not smart enough to get a chunk of code right. Looping over some bytes from a file shouldn't be that risky. rust lets me, a less than elite developer, save my few moments of brilliance for the hard part of a program, rather than having to worry about the evaluation order of foo(i++,i++);

Maybe, it'll turn out the only way to make good software in the future is to find the best 100 developers in the world, and get them to make stuff. I doubt it though, being able to leverage the other million of us to make stuff, and have some (a lot?) of confidence it'll be free from the most common C errors is valuable.

Nobody should be forced to use tools they don't like. rust is trendy, but it has some very good ideas. Trendyness isn't reason alone to dismiss its approach. blah blah rust cheerleading blah blah.

I think the idea that "elite" developers can write bug-free C (or even just network-facing C free of security-sensitive memory safety problems) is pretty well refuted at this point. Now you can write bug-free C if you're willing to spend enormous time and money on testing: this is to a first approximation what SQLite did. But that only makes economic sense for a small minority of projects. Just putting "elite" developers on a C project, without the huge verification cost, is by itself not enough to eliminate bugs, as much as we as hackers would like to think it is.

(The one exception may be, like, DJB. But djbdns/qmail are very unusual C programs in many ways.)

It will be interesting to see if the formal proof/verification work that is being done by NICTA for the seL4 project will mature into something that can be used practically elsewhere in industry.


You might be interested in https://robigalia.org/

From my understanding, NICTA's proofs are basically algorithms to show that Haskell models and C code is equivalent. They can then go on to do proofs with their Haskell models.

> C requires you to be really smart all the time, or at least be aware of when you're not smart enough to get a chunk of code right.

It's not so much that it requires smarts. It's that is requires you to be ever-vigilant and to never make any mistakes. (That's why UB and bounds overflows are so devastating to software security. Almost any slip-up by the developers can be exploited.)

Incidentally, the ever-vigilant bit is also why we really want compilers to be doing the bounds-checking (or proving that it isn't necessary). Compilers are really good at being ever-vigilant. Humans (no matter how smart)... not so much.

> good at being ever-vigilant

There goes the price of freedom. Drats.

> That said, array bounds checking is responsible for so many problems, it seems worth it to raise the minimum for a language.

Amen to that! If I could just add one feature to C - at least as an option - it would be array bounds checks.

I have no trouble with manual memory management - a garbage collector is nice to have, but I have not had many problems with memory leaks or dangling pointers. And the ones I had were relatively easy to locate and fix.

But array bounds violations are so easy to commit and so nasty to track down... When I still wrote C code for a living, I would have gladly sacrificed quite a bit of performance to get bounds checks on all array accesses, at least for testing and debugging...

> I have not had many problems with memory leaks or dangling pointers. And the ones I had were relatively easy to locate and fix.

Note that every single browser vulnerability in this year's Pwn2Own was a use after free (dangling pointer).

Well. I'll gladly admit that the C code I have written was way less complex than a web browser. When I still wrote C code for a living, I worked on an application suite that was ~250k lines of code, maybe ~300k, in total, whereas e.g. Firefox is a couple of million lines. I assume other mainstream browsers are similarly big.

Plus, what a browser does is, by nature, a lot more complicated than what I worked on.

EDIT: What I am trying to say is: I do not mean to trivialize use-after-free bugs, but in my personal experience, I did not run into many, while I witnessed (and caused, I am afraid) a bunch of array bounds violations, and they sometimes made me want to cry.

Yeah, browsers are essentially interpreters (and nowadays compilers) for a variety of crazy languages (html, css, javascript; probably a few more?).

You don't want to be writing your interpreters in C.

> You don't want to be writing your interpreters in C.

Well, technically, I think most browsers these days are written in C++, but your point remains valid.

OTOH, the "default" Python interpreter is written in C, and so is Perl (Ruby MRI, too, I think, but I am not 100% certain). I cannot recall any major security problem with those languages that originated inside the interpreter (which, of course, does not mean those did not/do not exist). Then again, a web browser is probably far messier in terms of what input is has to deal with.

> Then again, a web browser is probably far messier in terms of what input is has to deal with.

That's the ticket, the browser does have a large attack surface but more importantly it's supposed to safely execute completely arbitrary and untrusted payloads. In the same category are pretty much all of the usual suspect of security issues: flash, java (applets), …

Most interpreters are only fed trusted payloads, lest the developer starts eval'ing stuff they got from god knows where, and in that case the fault is usually laid to the developer's feet rather than the interpreter's.

Yeah. The browser is more like a hypervizor that Amazon might be running to run arbitrary people's VMs. But it has an unimaginably larger surface area than Xen.

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