Idealess-founders was an interesting experiment; that YC tries such things is a defining characteristic.
Theory: it's not the value of the idea in itself, but the motivating effect it has on the founder. An idealess founder goes nowhere. "Going somewhere" is necessary for exploration - even if your destination turns out worthless, you might find something better than you imagined along the way. But there's no serendipity without a journey.
- What is the current theory of the role of founder ideas at YC?
Theory: it's not the value of the idea in itself, but the motivating effect it has on the founder. An idealess founder goes nowhere. "Going somewhere" is necessary for exploration - even if your destination turns out worthless, you might find something better than you imagined along the way. But there's no serendipity without a journey.
- What is the current theory of the role of founder ideas at YC?
→ What experiment could disprove it?