> AlphaGO is the best at playing Go. Maybe humans can devise a better style and defeat AlphaGo, but I'm sure AlphaGo can adapt easily if another style exists.
Which is a curious point. The gripes about early brute force search algorithms (e.g. Deep Blue?) were that they felt unnature.
However, as the searches get more nuanced and finely grained, is there a point at which a fast machine begins doing fast stupid machine things quickly enough to feel smart?
Are there any chess / Go analogs of the Turing test? Or is a computer players always still recognizable at a high level?
It has been said that a game of Go is a conversation with moves in different areas showing disagreement. The game is also known as 'shou tan' (hand talk). From the commentary, AlphaGO is currently passing the Go Turing Test in almost all cases. There are some moves which some say are uncharacteristic, then later play out well. Or so called mistakes not affecting the outcome of the match. One explanation given was that AlphaGo optimizes for a win, not win by greatest margin, which is a/most valid for human or machine.
Computer players will be recognizable as long as they are designed to win, and not to play the way a human plays.
A Turing test for game players is an interesting idea, it would be useful for designing game players that are good sparring partners rather than brutes that can whipe the floor with you.
Which is a curious point. The gripes about early brute force search algorithms (e.g. Deep Blue?) were that they felt unnature.
However, as the searches get more nuanced and finely grained, is there a point at which a fast machine begins doing fast stupid machine things quickly enough to feel smart?
Are there any chess / Go analogs of the Turing test? Or is a computer players always still recognizable at a high level?