I am a web designer, not that great but still a designer nevertheless. I have been hoping to create some web apps for some time and since I can't really afford to get them made from some developer I thought I should start learning some development of my own. As I already know the dead-simple basics of PHP I am thinking of exploring that further. What'd you hackers think?
Try not to make it a war between ROR, Java and PHP here.
I'm not entirely certain, but I can't think of a single disadvantage to learning OOP. I'd actually be interested to know if there where some.
I'd also add.. Learning PHP as a first language slowed me down a bit when exploring other languages. PHP is very forgiving. If you're just learning to learn.. Maybe you should consider starting with a language that's much more strict; Python or Perl in my case. This way you focus on the concepts instead of the practices. PHP is one of those.. "more than one way to skin a cat" languages. Or at least more than most (from my experience).