Hey there!
Over the past month I built a service that allows you to see your users browse your website / web app in real time. It's kinda like "session recording" offered by various services, but live, mainly to offer support.
To make it easier to market I built a Chrome extension that integrates it with Intercom and other live chat services, so that when someone chats you up you can see their screen live and troubleshoot problems a lot quicker. Some early users utilize it this way.
However, I personally like a lot more the idea of having a "monitor" with say 6 screens and being able to send a message to people you see struggling, to offer "proactive" support.
This comes from seeing way too many of my users on other apps make dumb mistakes and seeing myself losing money after they leave frustrated. I would really have paid to send them a message on screen saying "hey, let me know if you need help with this :)".
I'm not sure whether:
1. this "proactive support" is creepy;
2. it is scalable;
3. it only works in my mind;
4. companies would pay for it;
5. the ease of marketing something "for intercom/livechat/..." outweighs the coolness of the monitoring station.
What do you guys think? Would love your opinion!
Website is https://peekin.io/